Friday, April 27, 2012

Silent-Silent Feet

Thoughts, full of clamored utterances of imagination, the artist dwarfed ambitions set in beaten marble, as anecdotes chilled twisted clean The morning smile, sigh now stare dissolved as steps pass in the grass. Solicitude cold from agitation now strength, stumbling roads wait Pity the grass, the steps the roads erring feet, stumbing in thoughts, as tongue stumbled in the silent inflections, silent-silent feet

Sunday, April 22, 2012


We unfold things that are identity, the center find divergingly the absolute points of observation that is exstence of individual meaning. We are an approximation of the complete object of reality, the relatively process of reciprocity of one substance upon another, relinquished. What does this all mean? Circumscribed as mutual effects. The entirely of reality, the lost moments and missing form the whole experience. The pure self-existence on one another is equivalent to its non-existence, or the imaginary, by anything random of pure self-existence. It's the infinite paths and points of the absolute universal continuum that give us derivation of view. Only the meaning of our paths change. Identity is meaningless and infinitesimal within the point without differences. We exist in are relatively discontinuous in the real world. We can reduce the volume to zero from our viewpoint as nothing exits. It is our point of reference, in the end identity is never reached. The blank paper, in this we have created our viewpont in time, the point of observation, our created world. Erase ,mark limits reduce volume. We are, and we stand disconnected, the absolute discontinuity, and absolute continuity as absolute idientity. The infinite universe is not. Nothing exits for us at the point of observation within the coherent infinite universe that is infinity. Penetrate thoughts isolate each one. We live in a shifting coherent infinite universe, the absoulute universal continuum of possibility of the modification of existence. The difference between what is more real and less real is the range of exittence with in the broader view. Points of observation connects. The existence of each thing is relative and dependent upbon the observer's viewpoint. As collective observers create the range of existence. Object distinguishes itself by the intensity of existence, the abstracts of qualitative difference of the objects as total impression. Existence i not reduced if you do not perceive it, you assume reports of its existence as truth. Reality is a state of recognizable effects. We than have existence reduced as the range of existence not perceive but in doubt, we assume in the shadow of doubts as form and light. Nothing can exit for us, that does not effect you, or can exit for you. If you turn your back to an object of attention, does it exists? It is the perceivable representation of this continuous background of non-exists, our immaginary hidden background of perceivable exitence. The background of collective non-existence in all form of area that is regarded as objects, the thang and the surrounding objects as grouped. Nothing exits in its surrounding only differentiated as being among other obeject by our attention. This shadow effect of existence. It is the delimits of our objects in space as surrounding objects as form. It's objects of attention our faculity of mental concetration. Object in light recognized and received by your eyes and perceived by your conscousness. differ in color, form, and position as Continuum. Characteristic is determined by limits and beyond the object of other things in space. Objects surrounding an object in light perceived. We know that something is want it is by the name we give it. We give it a top, bottom a right and left as sides, Form and limits. How do we understand and this accessing our subconscious and other individuals as interconnections. Do we exits at all? We quesion how does Consciousness creates our Reality? We create our reality in its entirety in total. This seems simple in our interactions. It is the distinction between Consciousness, Awareness, and our Mind. We question consciousness is consciousness at all, as pure subectivity. We do have assumptions about our objective reality, the materialism or physical law as pure ojectivity. There's dualism of both subjectivity. Often reality cannot be described in words, word and only point us in the right direction and are not the descriptors of what is Reality.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The End of War

I have been marching down the idea of writing a weekly Blog post,
one of my sentiments plucked from the air and the screen.
The microscopic minuteness of the eye and sentiment, often
unutterable but online. For simple adversity and moments of
reaction and recoil, I will start this today.

Arthur Schlesinger once said " unsuccessful universalistic attempt for
world government (an attempt that due to structural reasons had no chance to succeed),yet it had both preliminaries and consequences in modern political history"

I have been reading a book, more than a group of words a lesson
set me to task, we have been assigned the significance of our own history.
Looking at the afghanistan murders of seventeen human being, I wondered just
how did we get into this premeditation way of thinking. The book opens up the
mostly unrecognizable history of American War Crimes durning the second world

After the Reich:
The Brutal History of The Allied Occupation by Giles MacDonogh .

There are other works, but After the Reich tells a real truth, unknown in
America. This unexplored region of history give the variable and values
that gives us the equation that add up to our mindset.

After the second world war, some 16.5 million Germans driven from their homes,
more than 2 million would die. another 1 million in American P.O.W camps.

In May 1945 National Socialism was dead, as the Allies begain requisitioning
rooms, homes, hotels as the liberators put out the German people with nothing.
The real stories of women and oldmen sent to POW camps are told. Prisoner in
high numbers 50,000 keep in open fields,enclosed by barbed wire. sleeping in mud, the wet, cold exposue to the elements. The spreading famine among the German civilians
now a common fact of life or death. Supplies of food taken away, lack of any Red Cross at the Camps. Rape was prevalent as violence. The American G.I.'s who were witnessing this human crime, found it hard to report and afraid to complain.
The Atrocities of the liberation and the lesson we learn is historical and supreme.
The war dept. G2 War Department detailed a report to General Eisenhower: At the conclusion of
World War II, more than 15 million Germons were driven form their homes
in central and eastern Europe. They estimated 2,111,00 Germans died because
of this mass expulsion. They were stating health conditions as low,lack of food,
medical supplies, and doctors. They made an extimates and predicted between 2.5 and 3 million victim of malunutrition and desease by the spring.
The do say the spoils of war and the honor of rewriting history goes to the victors.
Only it seem with the passage of time give us the time to question with a true
interpretation over the revisionist as to what happened. The distinction between what is right and what is wrong. Chaos and confusion that followed Germany’s defeat as literally millions of Germans died. Mostly women, children and elderly men an estimated sixteen million ethnic Germans fled from Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and other parts of Eastern Europe back to Germany. Between two and six million died by the compounded deliberate allied polices. In the process between 1941 and 1950 around one and a half to two million German prisoners of war died, whilst a further five million seven hundred thousand German civilians died between 1946 and 1950.
In April 1945, the United States Army casually annihilated one million [German] men, most in American camps, that is one million surrendered soldiers.
What happend The re-categorization form POW's to DEP's Disamed enemy persons and this
they lost the Geneva Conventions protections this resultant in starvation and deprivation of shelter and medical care. Millions of POW's become DEP's and accounts that formed the missing German Prisoners in huge numbers. The revisionist ignored accepted this to the Russians.

Today I been researching the historical facts of boarder, created ones
and the natural ones. The natural boarder of people and one of nations
accepted or not. One such history is that of Hungarians in Transylvania.
Like all attempts of revisionist views of politics and opinion, it becomes
state policy. The minorities suffer in most cases, over the powers and local
abuse. In this case the First World War created new nations or new boarders.
Ethnic structures are part of the ideology and reasoning for many ethnic
atrocities, a important determinant factor within international politics.
Nations try to preserve territories, even under the exploited world conflicts.
The worlds conflicting interest of people and lands, the re-acquisition and
transfer of territory along with inhabitants, are part of the exploited treaties.
Nations develop mystic-fanatical ideology, this fanaticism idealizing national
glory and aspirations with propaganda grow out of proportions.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Earth we cut into her soul like some lacy cover, as nervous jointed reptiles battle foul winds. Mirrors yawned as oceans swell reflect faith

Patheticallythe heavens phrase waved, like a page form old books as finger wonder like aged dogs as toads pop from idea to ideals daylight

hope burned like wax crimson embers, as shiploads of monkeys hit dumb with thunder, chatter like the prime of man in heather, burned purple

The dance or rivers shouted cries of joy as satire cuts hoods for roofs flashed, muffled bells spread the song gleamed still silent, silentD