Looking over the Subject of interest for the week, reading some Dashiell Hammett.
What can one say about the writings of Samuel Dashiell Hammet, The Sam Spade detective novelist, screenwriter and much more?. Hammet was born and died, like most
people of course, the interesting parts fall between the two points. The interesting parts in ones life are sometimes what we have left behind. Dashiell Hammet left behind more than
a few interesting stories and within them character. Nick and Nora his Thin Man characters living in a world of crime, guns, dark corners and foggy nights. A writing style of American language made of tough talking detectives who believes it' bad business to let a partner's killer go free. Hammett studies the character, gives them realistic words coming out of there cigaret hanging mouths, that breathed life exiling out.
He had style, mean streets with realism and authenticity. The odd assortment of character, based on people whom he met. He wrote such classic lines as:
" He felt like somebody had taken the lid off life and let him see the works."
"My way of learning is to heave a wild and unpredictable monkey wrench into the machinery."
“Who shot him?” I asked. The grey man scratched the back of his neck and said, “Somebody with a gun.”
In the end we all want to escape to a some other place, a world of both realism and unreal events. The mixture of facts and detection all within the dreamworld, Hammett's world