Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Admiration is a unresentful dispostion of distrust of the spirit its unrelenting emphasis on the forfeit of pretense of the self or sameness

I feel a unparalleled error in my philosophical character a unprofitable craft unobtrusive in the display of lack of platitudes , I center

What is unjust? a universal and uninstructed view or sentiment , unimpassioned activity of the uninterrupted process of a systems laborers

The homeless are a uniformed blending sentiment unimpeachable in the process of unjust depreciation a unimaginable bitterness, unhesitations

I have no flag , unforced and unseen and unfettered in liberty. The unforgivable tragedy is my unfolding consciousness a unflagging truth

This in my silence is the undisturbed the authenticity of scrutiny the unending exactions that we energies in hills of silence, undistracted

What is unconditioned? a uncomfortable doubt or attractive patience of serenity one mor demeanor of unconscious serenity , a task a side

I am unbeaten and beaten with unbiased judgment no consooation no perfection a unassailable position unapproached in this mountain reserved

It is in the shadow of a typical day that a revelation is in saction in this a ultrafashionablle world of some lost bearings, I unadorned
One tragic touch one more lost treasured possession one more treacherous intelligence ot overcome too transcendent transfiguring of the self

The road to some titanic tireless curiosity the faculties of indifference or touching pathos of innocence one mor tortured thought to view
what is a thirsting ear but a eye that has been blinded to a thoughtful silence the images of rage or impulse always threatened the pathway

The terse realism is a thankless document and a conviction only tentative in attention my memory is to see the good over the terrifying


Apathy by Timothy Dougherty

Fame and others dissipate in a exhaustive superficial blending of silence and apathy into the chill of memory

Ideas crumbled to dust so many fragments of words driven into our servitude dragged into death

As fashion decay and fade into insignificance or just frozen into form hushed into silence or into truth

Plunged into dispair change merge into character and charactors pass into oblivion

One thing is common to humanity a claim thurh of destruction doomed to failure and platitudes ground to progress